Final Project

Students will work in teams of 4-5 people, ideally with a range of skills and domain expertise. Each team will invent, prototype, and evaluate a novel social computing experience that is functional and can be "played" by multiple people within a specific setting. Teams should strive to create a final project that relates to the course readings and discussions, but they are free to work on anything within the constraints outlined below. 

For inspiration, here are some current open challenges in social computing, but feel free to propose other challenges or novel ideas:

Learning Goals 

Project Phases and Deadlines

For this team project, you can choose your own teammates.  Strive to create a team with a diverse mix of skills and expertise. The final team project accounts for 50% of the total grade. Within that half, the grade will be broken down across the three main phases:  P1=10%, P2=20%, P3=40%, and P4=30%, respectively.