Experience reports

Each week, students will submit an individual experience report related to the course readings. Try something, and write a short reply to the dedicated Slack channel (at most 300 words). Always due Thursday before class.

Schedule for the experience reports:

  1. Meme me

  2. Who's in Charge?

  3. Total Newbie

  4. No experience report due (midterm project)

  5. Future of Work

  6. Click and Be Counted

  7. Game Dynamics

  8. No experience report due (final project)

  9. No experience report due (final project)

  10. No experience report due (final project)

Grading rubric:

Experience Reports make up 10% of the course grade. There are six reports due throughout the quarter, and each will be graded on a simple 3-pt scale for a total of 18 points.

  • 3 points - if your report exhibits a strong effort to describe your experience, deeply analyze the topic, and connect with materials outside of class in addition to other class materials (readings, lectures, and/or in-class discussions)

  • 2 points - if your report exhibits a satisfactory effort to describe your experience, analyze the topic, and connect with other class materials (readings, lectures, and/or in-class discussions)

  • 1 point - if your report exhibits minimal effort, or provides only a superficial analysis of the experience

  • 0 points - if you did not make a report or posted your report after the time deadline